Sunday 24 July 2011

Love & Light: Metamorphosis

Love & Light: Metamorphosis: "Sitting in the Room ! Feels like a Caterpillar in the Cocoon !! Needed to be broken ! For Butterfly to come out !! Glory to Flourish ! ..."

Monday 4 July 2011


Sitting in the Room !
Feels like a Caterpillar in the Cocoon !!
Needed to be broken !
For Butterfly to come out !!
Glory to Flourish !
n Beauty to Sprout !!

A little more Social Awareness

Human, as supreme known social being, does not simply exist but we all co-exist.  This phenomenon of co-existence gives rise to a society. Every society has shaped up as a result of collective consciousness of a set of apparently ‘likeminded’ people. Now, to have a healthy social structure, each member needs to have awareness of do’s and don’ts of the society. If one acquires and exhibits a proper blend of personal and social awareness, the individual would be readily available for social welfare keeping personal interests intact at all time. 
We all aspire to be with good company of people and peaceful environment. So a question arises, who is going to offer us a good company and nice environment? We are ourselves responsible for shaping our personal space. So what is the pre-requisite for it?  It simply is social awareness, which can be further divided to have following ingredients:-
·         Good Character: We must all have good moral values so that the members of society can trust us.
·         Adaptability: Changes are inevitable; hence a society is also changing every moment. We must   have good adaptability towards new people and their ideas. We must be patient and good listener to other’s ideas.
·         Respect for other’s Values, Culture and Religion: This is a must to be in sync. Only if all adheres to this, a society can function smoothly.
·         Taking Responsibility for Social welfare: We must all contribute to the welfare of society in every small way we can. As for example, not littering the surroundings. We must not wait for others to act on any ugliness of society but take step forward and call for hands to accomplish anything which is fruitful to the society.
·         Being Helpful and Compassionate: In today’s fast-paced and utterly selfish world, it is very rare to find compassionate heart. So we must behave as good sons of soil and feel belongingness to everyone. We must always be ready to lend helping hands to those in need and misery. The help can be in form of healthy guidance, few soothing words or any material assistance.
·         Regular Interaction: These days, everyone is in state of insecurity. People don’t even care to know who resides in the flat across the corridor. We must all gather at a common place and share good times together. It doesn’t mean, we have to discuss problems all the time (we anyway are already overloaded with our professional stress). If there is no issue to resolve, it is surely a good society and we should simply gather together and share some jovial time and laughter. Keeping a long and serious face has become a status-symbol these days, which is annoyingly childish. We must all laugh and rejoice in the little time we have on this planet earth.
·         Planning and Execution: Everything needs continuous improvement, so does a society. We must all plan and execute our plans locally and/or with help of government depending upon the complexity of the social demand.
So what are we waiting for? Let’s stand up and help ourselves, our home and working place to be engulfed by soothing social atmosphere.  Let’s be aware that we are social beings and without a healthy society, we will always have to lament. May the social awareness prevail in your heart and mind.
Amen !!!